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Christian Distinctiveness

Our Christian vision of ‘life in all its fullness’ underpins all aspects of school life from year 7 to year 13. We continue to live this vision out through our ARCH values of aspiration, respect, community, humility wisdom and service. As a Church of England academy, we provide regular collective worship which includes opportunities for students to pray and reflect on the themes of the week. We believe our vision and values help students to explore the Christian faith whilst being fully accessible to those of different faiths and no faith. Our aim is to provide an environment where all are welcomed and included.

As a Church school we also ensure that students study Religious Studies up to and including Post 16. All students engage in our bespoke Moral, World and Religious Views programme which is delivered in tutor time. This programme encourages students to explore key religious, moral, philosophical and ethical issues.  There are also planned for and spontaneous opportunities for spiritual development throughout our curriculum and multiple opportunities for students to demonstrate courageous advocacy in what they do. Further information can be found at the links below:

National Church of England Academy - Spiritual Development (

National Church of England Academy - Courageous Advocacy (