As a Church of England academy, we are committed to supporting the spiritual and faith development of all our students.
Our academy chaplain, Tom, is responsible for co-ordinating our ecumenical chaplaincy team and has a key role in the development and delivery of collective worship throughout the academic year. This includes special services like our year 7 welcome service, Y11 celebration and Y13 leavers service. Alongside collective worship, tutor groups have an inspirational thought for the day, an interactive smaller encounter service and voluntary communion, all of which are led by the chaplaincy team. The chaplain also provides 1-1 support for our students through the listening service, allowing students a space to talk through some of challenges they may face. Support and an opportunity to talk and pray is also available for anyone in the academy community, including students, staff and governors, whether of Christian faith or not.
Our lunchtime club ‘Rooted’ also allows our students, whilst having fun, to learn and understand how they can be rooted in their Christian faith, established in God’s love for them. Besides, throughout the academic year we have our annual prayer and big question weeks where students get the opportunity to reflect on their own beliefs.