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Our Governing Body is dedicated to supporting the staff, infrastructure and especially the students at National Church of England Academy. Governors are volunteers who give their time and commitment freely.

The role of the Governing Body is to support and challenge the academy’s senior leadership team to raise achievement and realise the potential of all the students, supporting the vision and ethos of the academy.

The Academies Financial Handbook (s2.5.2) requires the publication on the academy website of certain information about governance in academies. You can find out more about our former trustees and governors, plus details of our structure and scheme of delegation, via the links below.

If you wish to contact the Governing Body, please contact Miss Lauren Willett, Clerk to the Governors via email at You should also email Miss Willett if you would like to see any governance documents relating to the period when the academy was a Single Academy Trust up to 31 December 2020 (those documents have been superseded by MITRE Trust documents on joining MITRE on 1 January 2021).
For details of governance arrangements under MITRE, please see Minster Trust for Education - Trust Governance (