Half Term Updates
Dear parents/guardians,
We have had a great half-term in so many different ways and managed to keep all year groups in school and avoid having to rely on remote learning. Sadly some schools have already had to ask some year groups to study from home. It was around 2 weeks ago we started to see a slight increase in the number of positive cases from students and we hope that after half-term we can keep our numbers relatively low as we head towards Christmas. We know from our experiences last year that the colder months were particularly challenging. We have already reviewed our risk assessment and will do so again in November. If there are any changes we will of course let you know.
To ensure all of our students and staff are as safe as possible please could I request three things.
- On the weekend of 30th and 31st October (weekend before we return) please use an LFT to check your child for any signs of covid before they return and mix with their peers. Please remember if they have any symptoms they should not be in school.
- Please remind all students of the importance of good hand hygiene and the need to wash hands often for at least 20 seconds.
- Please remind students that when at school/HSFC, they should not be sharing food or drinks with or accepting them from others. We know that they like to do this but by not doing this it will help reduce transmission especially at break and lunch.
We hope you have a great half-term with your families.
Best wishes,
Mr Brailsford