Careers Advice and Work Experience
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) continues for our students throughout sixth form. All students are able to request support from our careers advisor who is happy to assist students in any stage of their career or continued education planning.
All NSFC students have access to the Unifrog platform which provides a wide variety of CEIAG facilities as well as allowing students to create CVs, draft personal statements and research university and apprenticeship options.
The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) is the method used by students to apply for places at university. Support for making these applications will be provided to students through enrichment lessons and the tutor programme, as well as visits to UCAS events and our partner universities. We begin this process of research and application in the summer term of Y12, with a view to all applications being made by the end of December in Y13.
Work Experience
In the summer term of year 12, students will be expected to complete work experience related to their career of choice or the education pathway they wish to follow. Students will be expected to select, apply and interview for roles, and represent both themselves and The National Sixth Form Centre in a professional, business-like manner.
Your work experience applications will be supported by the weekly enrichment lessons and with individualised support from form tutors.
In previous years students have been able to secure experiences including:
- Shadowing local members of parliament
- Working within the Magistrates Court
- Engineering and Manufacturing
- Accountancy
- Animal Care
- Business administration
And many more!