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To help our students achieve their potential, the academy places great emphasis on providing a dedicated support system covering pastoral care and assistance for specialist educational needs. We want students to feel safe, secure and supported for the benefit of their learning.

Younger students are supported by their older peers, who provide advice and guidance on academy matters using their National experience to help, especially with transition into year 7.

The academy is organised into year group tutor groups, each with a designated Head of Year and Assistant Head of Year.

Home Groups meet once a day with their personal tutor. Activities include collective worship, thought for the day, academic mentoring, peer mentoring, literacy and numeracy together with administrative tasks. All students contribute to the smooth running of the tutor group and all individuals have the opportunity to take on a responsibility to assist their personal development. This includes roles such as message monitor, notice board monitor, charity leader or reading buddy.

Year Head of Year Contact Details Assistant Head of Year Contact Details
7 Mr J Beaver

Ext. 3035

8 Mrs E Hopkin

Ext. 3038

Mrs S Bird

Ext. 3030

9 Mr J Gilham

Ext. 3035

Mrs L Newns

Ext. 3007

10 Mr K Mistry

Ext. 3038

Mr K Barnett

Ext. 3007

11 Ms S Craven

Ext. 3037

Mr C Crossland

Ext. 3046